PLAYING CARDS the first playing cards were luxury items that were enjoyed only by the wealthy,  may have been firs used in china during the 9th century for playing the ‘’game of leaves ‘’ they were also in use in Egypt, India and Persia during the 12th century playing cards reached Europe beginning in the late 1300s. today millions of decks of cards are used for recreational fun by people all around the world.

The king was the highest card in a suit until it started to be replaced by the ace in the late1700s.

Mort plying card have four suits. The standard international suits are spades, clubs hearts and diamonds. Throughout history different suits have been used, including acorns bells coins cups leaves polo sticks and swords,

Casinos replace their cards Often to make sure the cards do not get marked. Most decks are replaced within 12 hours, while some are replaced every hour.

The backsides of playing cards were blank until decorative designs were added in the late 1800.

Card trick during wwII, special playing cards were sent to allied prisoners of war. The cards held a secret map hidden between the paper layers that showed the prisoners how to escape        

